Artistic Opportunities
Everyone is an Artist

Current Opportunities
Xico is excited to share the following opportunities with you for this quarter. Please contact us if there are any opportunities.
Helios & Xico Student Juried Exhibition 2024: Rites of Passage
This exhibit is open to all high school and college students residing in Arizona with a focus on Latino and Indigenous peoples. The exhibition will be hosted at Helios Education Foundation from April – June 2024. This is a juried exhibition with a jury of 6 students and 6 arts, culture, and community professionals. There will be a reception with awards and prizes presented to Best in Show and Runner-up for high school and Best in Show and runner up for college. All participants selected for the show will receive a certificate. All students will receive 100% of the sale if their artwork sells.
The theme for the show is Rites of Passage: “Rites of passage celebrate the social movement of individuals into and out of groups or into or out of statuses of critical importance to the individual and to the community.” This is an open-ended theme that is accessible and can be interpreted uniquely with nuance by everyone. This is also a particularly poignant personal, social, and cultural topic amongst the core demographic of high school and college aged students.
Terms and phrases to explore: Identity, Community, Culture, Becoming, Transitions, Coming of Age, Belonging, Phases, Unity, Celebration, and Reflection
– Submissions must all be 2D art in portrait (vertical) format and sized 16”x 20” and submitted through the google form by March 25th.
– Instructions on how to submit and the google form for submission can be found here:

Call to Artists “A Love Letter to Phoenix”
Xico and Arizona Center are seeking to develop pieces to be exhibited on exterior billboards at Arizona Center in Downtown Phoenix. Xico invites local artists to submit samples from their existing portfolios in any 2D medium for consideration Artworks do not need to be large scale.
Selected artists will be contacted with further details for commission. This call will remain open, and artists will be selected on a rolling basis.
Apply with the link below. Looking forward to seeing your work today!
Get Engaged

Exhibition Opportunities
We rotate exhibitions quarterly and always have two shows. If you are interested in showing your work, please contact us.

Teaching Opportunities & Workshop Proposals
Interested in teaching opportunities or leading a workshop? Get in touch!

Would you like get more involved with our vibrant community? Please contact us and a member of staff will reach out.

Do you have items that you would like to sell at our Mercado? Let's start the conversation today!

Equipment Rental
Reach out if you are interested in renting some of the equipment in our gallery.

Studio Rentals
Need access to studio space and a press? Come into Xico and make an impression.